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Waxing & Facial for Humanity
2024 Philantrophy

Sept 2023 - Bold Journey
Oct 2022- Canvas Rebel
Sept 2021 - Voyage Baltimore
May 2019 - Beverly Hills Magazine
Our Philosophy
We believe that all children have the right to grow up in a stable, loving and nurturing environment. All human beings on our planet regardless of geography, race, religious orientation, sect or caste, skin color, gender or sexual orientation have the same fundamental rights and we believe that all of us are a stakeholder in the care of the planet and each other the world over.
How We Started
Ari grew up in Bali, Indonesia, and moved to the United States to marry her husband in 2004. Everything was new for her. The biggest challenges were being away from her large family and transitioning from successful office management career that she had cultivated since 1990. It was difficult for a formerly independent woman to became dependent on her husband. Lost her ability to independently provide financial support to those less fortunate, especially her preferred beneficiaries of orphans and orphanages. She chose to become an Esthetician because she had the fortunate opportunity to learn about traditional beauty treatments from her mom, who owned a Javanese spa in Bali, Indonesia. Have worked full-time as a Licensed Esthetician since 2005 and run her solo business Ari Wax Skin in 2018.
Ari grew up with a military dad and a stay-at-home mom, with 10 siblings (8 biological + 2 adopted) and about a dozen other people in need who lived with them at different times that her parents helped to raise. For extra income, her parents rented a kiosk in a market, and everyone took turns to help. Dad taught us to be happy in life, appreciate what we have because that’s our limit, and that will help us sleep soundly every night. Also learned the meaning of “enough” because her parents taught her if you can make someone smile, you are a rich person in this world, always look down to see those below you, and help raise them up. This is the reason why she starts her philanthropy for orphans & individual in needs.
Our Work & How We Distribute the Fund
Our work is helping orphans in Bali & Java – Indonesia, either existing orphanages or individual. The fund is coming from profits of my business at Ari Wax Skin with support from her husband, brother (Heru) & niece (Tiara). The orphans & individuals do not know who I am (to stay anonymous); they only know my niece & my brother. I believes that heart not need a face.
This work started in 2021 when Heru in Bali & Tiara in Java told her about these individuals and orphanages condition. These individuals in desperate needs to even breath to stay alive. Some of them laying on cold cement floor, some by the river bank or in dark cold room family house. The numbers of children who lives in the orphanage keep growing while the fund to run daily life not growing plus Covid19 make things worse. The orphanage depends on public donations which is become difficult especially when a kid gets sick or death. Also, school supplies like uniforms, new books, bag pack & shoes are big burden for them – no free education or supplies. So many of kids sleep in tiny space share with more than 5, use an old & thin mattress, some without pillows or blankets. The hygiene another issue since some of them never brush their teeth or shampoo.
We know that each child’s journey home is unique. Our orphans who already in these orphanages don’t have any opportunity to go back to their family, most of them already in this place since they were born. The kid will stay here until they decide to move out. Some of orphanages must closed down because the orphanage parent passed away or have some difficulties. We experiencing took over more than 200 orphans to be place in ours.
Heru takes care 3 orphanages in Bali (based on their emergency needs only), and fully support for orphans who still lives in family home and individual people in needs financial support, while Tiara takes care 7 orphanages in Java area, distributes weekly supply to each orphanage. We also take care for their medical and burial. The fund will send to them to pay directly to the store or institution.
How to Donate
I am humbled and appreciative to know that people ask me how to donate! This cause is run 100% from profit of my business Ari Wax Skin. Since I do not run a non-profit for my philanthropy work and not apply for tax credit, I do not expect or request donations (to stay anonymous, I omit the address of the orphanages & individual). Please purchase our services & products as the best way to contribute. Thank you for all of your support!
These are our orphanages and we fully support them:
Panti Diponegoro Panti Sayap Ibu Panti Al Latif Panti Putri Nurul Yasmin Panti Griya Yatim & Dhuafa Panti Islam Bunda Panti Kasih Victory
Numbers of person we supported in:
(These numbers changes based on numbers of new kids, new individual or loss by death)
2021 are 880 people 2022 are 984 people 2023 start with 865. There are some regulations changes by the authorities who oversee the orphanages on end of April 2023. Our place been overcapacity for so long and some of my orphans transfer to other orphanages. Starting May 2023 we have 502 people.
weekly food
iftar ramadhan (break fasting) monthly laundry supplies monthly school tuitions purchased school supplies per semester replacement shoes, sandals, back pack & raincoat, prayer outfit – when needed new school uniforms - yearly new pairs of shirts & pants – yearly replacement of underwear + sleepwear – yearly
replacement of jackets – when needed replacement of beds & mattresses – when needed replacement of bed sheets + pillows + blankets – when needed soccer, badminton, and other games for outdoor activities
renovated bedrooms renovated bathrooms renovated study rooms built and replaced water tanks built prayer room rebuilt 2 kitchens damaged from trees & mold rebuilt 1 orphanage building from storm damage purchased land to settle the dispute for 1 orphanage building
partner of join renovation 3 orphanages from flood funding the orphanage to sell street food
restock a retail kiosk at an orphanage to help run their fund
purchased lambs, chickens and honey bees to help them learn to farm and become self-sufficient paid 10 years rent (2-bedroom house) for 3 brothers of orphans and send the survive orphan to hotel & tourism college as his wishes. He graduated on July 2023 with award and waiting to board for a cruise ship.
relocated 1 orphan who was adopted by her abusive aunt after the loss of both parents & brother. She finished her high school and continue to study Mandarin to become a senior helper out of country as her wishes. She’s in Taiwan to work with autistic kid on June 2023.
paid hospitalization, surgeries, give birth, and burial for over 50 people (we stop counting after reach number 50)
My mom said, “You can get a recipe from anyone, but your own hand is the key”.
I grew up in Bali, Indonesia and moved to the United States to marry my beloved husband in 2004. When I moved here, my husband suggested that I start a career that I like and give myself time to adjust and learn about the U.S. I am very lucky to have a husband who has supported and helped me out from the beginning of my life here. I chose to become an Esthetician because I had the fortunate opportunity to learn about traditional beauty treatments from my mom, who owned a Javanese spa in Bali.
I have worked full-time as a Licensed Esthetician since 2005 and was with several spas in Maryland before opening my own studio in Rockville, MD in 2018. I adopted my mom’s traditional techniques and combined them with modern treatments into my own unique signature style. My customers express appreciation frequently for my unique services and individual attention to their specific needs. I get this from my mom, who teaches me that “You can get a recipe from anyone, but your own hand is the key”.
I offer full body waxing and customized facials for every skin condition and continually exceeds the MD State continuing education requirements to stay abreast of the newest trends in skin care. My studio is a place where I touch clients that trusts me. My profits to support 7 orphanages & people in needs in Indonesia. Thank you for all of your support!